Monday, June 16, 2008

Alton Brown's Dutch Baby Saves the Day

Finally! I escaped from fatherhood, at least for a few minutes, to attempt some Good Eats recipes from last weeks show (the last two shows were brilliant by the way).

First I tried Alton's fried chicken recipe from Good Eats: Fry Hard II. Sadly, all I have to show for it is a house smelling of crusty fried chicken and a few grease burns on my arm. Apparently the thermometer I bought was telling me that my oil temperature was way lower than it really was. I let the oil cool a bit before the second batch of drumsticks went in, but by that time I no longer desired a piece of fresh fried chicken. I'll have to regroup and find a new thermometer.

Secondly; I tried my hand at popovers. I haven't made them in years and I just happen to have the twelve cup version of the pan Alton picked up at what I think of as Miss Wong's Emporium of Cooking Gear. Well, I screwed it up. Either my oven runs a bit hot or I just need to check them earlier than the recommended cooking time like most baked goods. The insides were good, but a bit too crispy on the outside. My wife turned them into a wonderful hot fudge sundae base though :-)

For my next trick, I took a shot at the Dutch baby. How could I not after the wonderful skit and the giant clogs! Success at last! It was perfect and will likely be prepared again for breakfast again tomorrow; this time with some fresh local strawberries. If I had failed at this basic cooking task it would have been cold cereal and carry-out food for a while. Instead I was rewarded with a new tool in my culinary binder o' recipes.

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