Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Alton Brown live on Youtube

Alton has posted on his site that there's a live lecture on Thanksgiving Thursday the 19th @7pm.  I was just looking at the Youtube Holiday channel, but haven't seen mention of the live video yet.  Hopefully they'll post something soon.


Randy Hees said...

The talk was at Google... I was there as a visitor... but so far can't find the video on the web...

He was great... good presentation focused on google connections... lots of questions...

tiggergirl19 said...

It was one of the best things that I have ever seen on Youtube, other than the muppet things that they have posted. I had to send the link to a few of my family members so that they could watch it. I laughed during it. It was really funny and very educational. I wish that he would do a lot of his speaking engagments this way, so that his fans can see them. He makes learning about food so much easier, the way that he teaches it to his fans.