Monday, September 1, 2008

Alton Brown: Kitchens of the Future

In preparation for the first episode, or just as holiday week filler, Kitchens of the Future airs Saturday night at 9:00pm EST.  It's an hour long show from 2004 hosted by none other than Alton Brown.  How the heck did I miss this?!  I've been watching Good Eats and anything else Alton for years and somehow this one got past me.  The Food Network description mentions the Jetsons; sounds right up Alton's alley!  So, for those who have to get up early on Monday and don't want to stay up late Sunday night for Feasting on Waves, or you are stuck at home working on a Saturday night like myself, this will give you something to tie you over until FOW re-airs later in the week.


Will said...

At it's best, it's meh. Kind of like AB on the so-called Iron Chef, severely lacking.

Admin said...

Sounds about like what I pictured. You'll notice there are no Iron Chef America posts here; i figure it pays his bills.....